Rob practices complex commercial, business, and tort litigation.  His experience includes:

COMMERCIAL LITIGATION Representing business and commercial clients from a variety of industries in commercial contract, business formation, and other business disputes. Representing business and commercial in real estate disputes. Representing large companies in business tort litigation, including trademark infringement, fraud, violation of non-compete and non-disclosure agreements.

PHARMACEUTICAL & MEDICAL DEVICE LITIGATION Regularly representing pharmaceutical manufacturers in high-profile cases involving a variety of products, including prescription medications for the treatment of arthritis, depression, and gastrointestinal conditions. Defending cases involving a number of medical devices, including artificial back discs, mechanical heart valves, artificial joints, and orthopedic screws and plates.

CLASS ACTION AND MULTI-DISTRICT LITIGATION (MDL) Representing Fortune 500 retailer against national data breach class actions. Representing manufacturers and distributors in MDLs for various product or medical device litigation. Defending businesses from a variety of industries against class action FACTA claims (the law governing privacy of information printed on credit card receipts).

BANKING AND LENDER LIABILITY LITIGATION Representing lenders defending against lender liability and fraud claims. Representing banks in cases involving deposit and negotiable instruments. Defending borrowers against securitized loan litigation and deficiency claims.

TORT AND ASBESTOS LITIGATION Defending product liability claims involving a variety of automobile and bus components. Defending multiple defendants (manufacturers and premises owners) in asbestos exposure cases.

Area(s) of Expertise

  1. Litigation

Languages Spoken

  1. English

Las Vegas

1980 Festival Plaza Drive, Suite 650
Las Vegas, Nevada 89135-2958
+1 702 792 7000
+1 702 796 7181
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