Next Generation
Supporting up-and-coming Lawyers

Every experienced lawyer was once ‘up-and-coming’, part of the aspirational next generation of lawyers and the lifeblood of every firm.

That’s why Mackrell International supports our law firms by actively supporting and engaging the next generation, their rising stars.

Realising the value of peer-to-peer networks, we help them build networks of their own, both regionally and internationally.  As part of the MI membership, we create meeting opportunities and social events, both virtual and in person whenever we can.

We also provide monthly insight and education initiatives on everything from Personal Branding, to Human-Centred Business Skills, to LinkedIn Optimisation, to How to Influence, to Constructive Disagreement…

Plus, we run a monthly MI Mentor Programme where experienced lawyers from across the network open themselves up to questions and share tips and reflections on their life and work journey and how best to progress as a young lawyer -  you can see all the Mentor videos here.

Details of all our activity can be found on our Events page.

So – how would you summarise our Next Generation initiative?

Here, Sarah Studzinski, one of our Next Gen ‘Champions’ from Bose McKinney & Evans in Indianapolis reflects openly and honestly about a recent Americas gathering:

"I really liked (the) discussion around the highs and lows of lockdown.

We talk about Mackrell International being a family, and families help each other through difficult times – and this certainly is one.

Sharing these experiences not only helped illustrate the MI “family” and how we support one another, but also provided ideas on how to manage the mental and emotional stresses we are all experiencing - not to mention the idea of having a support net of peer attorneys in a similar situation.

As future leaders of our firms and our communities, (we need to) learn from our mentors and build off of them to become even better mentors ourselves … the things we keep with us as we grow as attorneys and as people.”

To participate in your regional group please contact MI HQ – and do get in touch with your Regional Champion - details below,

The best thing you can do for your career as a next generation lawyer within Mackrell International is get involved!

The Mackrell International Lawyer Exchange Programme

Click here to view the article on an exciting new Mackrell International Global Initiative - the Lawyer Exchange Programme. You can download the brochure here.