Anita Gerewal is a qualified patent, trade mark and industrial design agent and has more than 10 years’ experience in handling various forms of intellectual property matters including intellectual property litigation; enforcement of Intellectual Property rights through government agencies; prosecution of trademark, patent and industrial design applications; opposition matters; agreements related to IP, and settlement of IP related disputes, protection and maintenance strategies of various IP rights. Anita also advises on matters relating to franchising, breach of confidential information, licensing and technology transfer agreements, computer and software agreements, domain name disputes, gaming and food regulation, Personal Data Protection and privacy laws.

Anita has presented papers on intellectual property law in several local seminars and conferences organised at local universities. Anita served as a member of the Group Standing Committee for Copyright (2015-2018) of the Asian Patent Attorney Association (APAA) Malaysia and is currently serving as a member of the Group Standing Committee for Designs (2019-2020) of the Asian Patent Attorney Association (APAA) Malaysia. Anita has authored the Copyright chapter for the Lexis Practical Guidance Commercial module.

Area of Specialisation

  • Intellectual Property
  • Information Technology
  • Personal Data Protection & Privacy Laws
  • Competition Law

Area(s) of Expertise

  1. Antitrust & Competition
  2. Company & Commercial
  3. Franchising
  4. Intellectual Property
  5. Media, Entertainment & Licensing

Languages Spoken

  1. English
  2. Hindi
  3. Malay
  4. Punjabi

Kuala Lumpur

Level 31, Menara TH Perdana
1001, Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur
603-26931125, 26936063, 26925266, 26925016
603-26930716, 269411
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