Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) Certified Specialist Lawyer for Corporate and Commercial Law (Fachanwalt für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht) Certified Specialist Lawyer for Banking and Capital Market Law (Fachanwalt für Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht)

Professional experience with lawfirms in Munich, Hamburg and New York. Doctorate (Dr. jur.) at University of Würzburg. Law School at University of Passau and Würzburg.

"Best Lawyers" - Dr. Louis Rönsberg was selected by his peers for inclusion in "The Best Lawyers in Germany 2017" for his work in Art Law.

Area(s) of Expertise

  1. Arbitration & Mediation
  2. Banking & Finance
  3. Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
  4. Company & Commercial
  5. Contract Law
  6. Corporate
  7. Corporate/Business Law
  8. Courts, Tribunals & Judiciary
  9. Litigation
  10. Maritime
  11. Professional Negligence

Languages Spoken

  1. English
  2. German


Leopoldstr. 175 80804 Munich Germany
+49 (0)89-512427 0
+49 (0)89-512427 25
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