Of Counsel

Dr Nikos Simantiras specializes in public and European law. He concentrates his practice on giving ad hoc advice on complicated matters arising within the frame of various projects and providing legal support to corporate legal teams during the implementation phase of their projects.

As an of counsel lawyer with the firm, he focuses mostly on procurement/concession and state aid-related legal issues.

Nikos has represented Greek and foreign companies before administrative courts mostly in litigation with connection to capital markets, financial market supervision, public contracts, and European and national procurement law. He maintains a focus on judicial protection against fines of supervisory authorities before administrative courts, including the Supreme Administrative Court of Greece (Council of State).

Nikos has drafted multiple legal opinions for companies in various sectors including the investment banking and services industry and the gambling industry and has advised companies in the aviation industry. He has also drafted a legal opinion on the interpretation and implementation of capital controls enacted by the Greek State as well as a Legal Opinion on legality and liability issues resulting from the Private sector involvement (PSI)-Programme of the Greek state in the frame of the Greek sovereign-debt crisis.

Languages Spoken

  1. English
  2. German
  3. Greek


Omirou St. 18
10672 Athens
+30 21 036 75 100
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