Cryptocurrency and Blockchain PG Call

3 pm UK GMT, 25th February

Tuesday 25 Feb 2025, 15:00 - 16:00
Register here

Please join our Blockchain and Cryptocurrency PG Call on 25th February 2025 at 3pm GMT to catch up with other Crypto PG members around the globe.

The Blockchain and Cryptocurrency PG  has not had a call for some time, and Chair, Justin Swanson (Bose Mckenny and Evans ) and Andy Updegrove (Gesmer Updegrove, ) thought it would great just have a check-in to discuss updates, and to discuss any trends with clients the practice area or opportunities to collaborate across the Mackrell International Network. 

We would also like to have an open forum for anyone to bring up topics or issues they would like to discuss, and finally to suggest topics for further meetings, which we hope to have with more consistency and frequency going forward. If you’ve got any topics in advance, please contact Justin, Andy, or Chris below. 

Registration Details:

25th February 2025 at 3pm UK GMT

To register for this call, click the link below:


For further information please contact Justin Swanson , Andy Updegrove or Chris Short