Employment Group, meet the new leader, and managing multigenerational workforces.

Alternative Date

Wednesday 29 Jan 2025, 15:30 - 16:30
Register for 29th January Call

Please join one of two our Employment PG Calls on either 23rd January 2025 at 9.30am or 29thJanuary 2025 at 3.30pm UK GMT to catch up with the Employment PG members around the globe. We’ve scheduled two calls to make sure that as many people as possible around the globe get a chance to join the call which best suits their time-zone. The content will be the same so you only need to join one.

The Employment PG has not had a call for a while, and new Chair Laura Salmond (BTO, Scotland) thought it would great just have a check-in to introduce herself, reconnect and meet everyone with a quick 4 minute max intro on themselves, their experience, their team.  This will let us all know who is who from across the globe who deal with employment law matters. 

Laura has arranged a guest speaker, Lizzie Donaldson for a 30-minute session on the challenges of managing multigenerational workforces (Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z). Understanding these differences is valuable for our business and when engaging with employer clients, as each generation has unique expectations and approaches.

Lizzie is a UK-based employment law consultant, and works within in-house legal teams across multiple jurisdictions for global and European corporations. She shares a similar profile to many of our clients, so we have an opportunity to gain an in-house lawyer’s perspective on client dynamics. Additionally, Lizzie will lead a brief workshop on inter-generational working, discussing workplace challenges it presents, solutions to address them, and examples from our practices.

These issues run across jurisdictions, so we look forward to seeing a global range of members on the call.

We would also like to have an open forum at the end for anyone to bring up topics or issues they would like to discuss, and finally to suggest topics for further meetings, which we hope to have with more consistency and frequency going forward. 


23rd January 2025 at 9.30am UK GMT

To register for this call, click here (you only need to register for one of these two calls) :



29th January 2025 at 3.30pm UK GMT

To register for this call, click here (you only need to register for one of these two calls) :



For further information please contact Laura Salmond lis@bto.co.uk  or Chris Short chris.short@mackrell.net