Litigation Practice Group Check-in Call and hot topics

18th October, 3.30pm BST

Friday 18 Oct 2024, 15:30 - 16:30
Register here

Please join our Litigation PG Call on 18th October at 3.30 pm UK BST to catch up with the Litigation PG members around the globe.

The Litigation Group has not had a call for some time, and we thought it would great just have a check-in to discuss how Courts are doing now that we have put some distance between us and the Pandemic, and to discuss any trends with clients in commercial litigation.

For instance, Capital Markets have been tight, which has had a ripple effect on client industries and more specifically, client tolerance for and ability to pay legal fees for litigation. 

And of course it appears that capital markets are loosing up a bit, but where do people see things headed over the next 12 months. 

We would also like to have an open forum for anyone to bring up topics or issues they would like to discuss, and finally to suggest topics for further meetings, which we hope to have with more consistency and frequency going forward. 

To register for the call click here:

For further information please contact Geno Ashley and Greg Bergman