Mining Practice Group Call

26th Feb 2025, 8 am UK GMT and 10 pm UK GMT

Wednesday 26 Feb 2025, 08:00 - 09:00

Please join one of two of our Mining PG Calls on 26th February 2025 at either 8am GMT or 10pm GMT to catch up with other Mining PG members around the globe.

We’ve scheduled two calls to make sure that as many people as possible around the globe get a chance to join the call which best suits their time-zone. The 8am GMT call will be suitable for all time zones eastwards between UK and Australia, whilst the 10pm GMT is suitable for east to west coast US and South America (and night owls in Europe who can’t make the 8am call)

The Mining PG has not had a call for some time, and Chair Mark Stewart (Arion Legal, Australia ) thought it would great just to have a check-in to discuss updates, and to discuss any trends with clients in the practice area or opportunities to collaborate. 

For instance, the impact of the new Trump Presidency and recent imposition of tariffs on the mining industry, and also the withdrawal of the US from the Paris Agreement, and what it means for the future of so-called critical minerals.

We would also like to have an open forum for anyone to bring up topics or issues they would like to discuss, and finally to suggest topics for further meetings, which we hope to have with more consistency and frequency going forward.   It would also be good to find out who will be attending the AGM in Singapore and whether we will have an opportunity to meet in person.

Registration Links:

26th February 2025 at 8am UK GMT

To register for this call, click here (you only need to register for one of these two calls) :


26th February 2025 at 10pm UK GMT

To register for this call, click here (you only need to register for one of these two calls) :  


For further information please contact Mark Stewart or Chris Short