What sets us apart…
A number of things have struck me on my travels around the network recently. The first is what sets us apart.
Compared to my experience of many other networks and groups, MI members are genuine, open, friendly and unpretentious. You can truly be yourself and you will be welcomed. These simple but powerful qualities unite us wherever we are in the world - that’s why I often refer to us as ‘family.’
As we travel into the future, raise the network profile and build our membership, I promise you that I shall do my utmost to maintain that ethos and identity.
Network insights
We have shared a lot with each other in recent months, particularly at the recent Regional Meetings in Moscow and the Dominican Republic.
At our EMEA meeting, we each suggested a word that best captured the network, resulting in the Wordcloud below:
Tom Durkin, new member for Massachusetts, Gesmer Updegrove LLP, suggested ‘relationships’ was missing – any others you can think of? Let me know and I’ll add them.
Our Purpose
One key thing I shared with you at the Conferences – which will help create clarity and maintain our unique quality – is our ‘vision statement’ or MI Purpose. To reiterate:
“We are a close-knit, effective organisation, where every client gets looked after as if you yourself were taking care of them.
We are an organisation which shares openly, its challenges, learnings and flaws as well as its opportunities and successes.
Where we look to raise standards and we look to the future, fostering the next generation to carry the flame – not just for the network, but for the rule of law, for sustainable business and for a better world.
Where, through building deep, long-term relationships, cross-culturally, we learn from each other, grow with each other, look after each other and each other’s clients and increase business.”
This is very much your network, so if I have missed something, please do email me and let me know. I will be adding this to our new website in the new year, so it’s important we get it right.
And talking of your network, here’s that video snapshot of the Bangalore AGM on the MI YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJBgOOGVzcY&t=7s.
Videos of the Moscow and Dominican Republic events are on their way…
Please encourage your colleagues, your BD and marketing staff, your attorneys and associates who are curious about MI or who work internationally to follow and engage with MI on LinkedIn and Twitter.
And do keep sending us your posts and telling us what you’re doing, so we can share it across the network and also, so the MI team and I can connect you where relevant and helpful.
PS – why wouldn’t you be here next February 2020? https://www.dropbox.com/s/sauxkmtu9pdb4gu/co1.mp4?dl=0
My best wishes to you all.
Keith Heddle, Managing Director