Group members are experts in circular economy policies and sustainability, including the transition from conventional to renewable energy.  They are specialists assisting in any type of industry and provide advice on air emissions, environmental cross border issues, environmental impact, natural resources, water supply and wastewater discharges, as well as waste management. Many of them have received the highest professional accolades and peer recognition, often work together in different jurisdictions, and are up to date on new trends and obligations to offer the best service in the industry.

Environmental, Social and Governance standards (ESG) are becoming an international compliance requirement for companies to manage their environmental and social impact. The implementation of these standards requires local knowledge and access to local consultants and experts—often in more than one jurisdiction. MI's Environmental Practice Group is well placed to provide such expertise in well over 60 countries and all members are committed to offer access to the best local team.

If any member requires an up to date list of this PG Participants please contact MI HQ -

Attorney Barbara Rodriguez-Pashkowski highlights the environmental legal and business advice available at Gust Rosenfeld, Mackrell International member for Arizona.



  1. Webinar

    Renewable and Green Energy Sector Roundtable

    3 pm UK BST

    Wednesday 14 Jun 2023, at 15:00

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  2. Download
    PDF File

    Presentation on Environmental Risk, Mitigation, Compliance and Corporate Governance

    Presentation on Environmental Risk, Mitigation, Compliance and Corporate…